Brown Gold

As billions of leaves accumulate in gardens, parks, driveways and roadsides people view them from two perspectives (1a; 1b). Perspective one views them as unsightly heaps, slip hazards, drain cloggers, destroyers of lawns, blockers of car vents, gutter obstructors and driving hazards.Perspective two views them as the raw material of leaf mould which is a…

Dying Days of Glorious Colour

As the light diminishes daily and temperatures drop deciduous trees and shrubs are triggered into action to cope with winter.  They know that with low light levels, shorter exposure to light and the possibility of freezing soils preventing their roots functioning properly it is going to be increasingly difficult to produce food using the green…

Hedgerow Bounty

The flat-topped, creamy-white flower clusters or corymbs of the Elder (Sambucus nigra) or Trom in Irish formed lofty, fragrant tiers when they dominated the hedgerows in June.  These flowers were used to make wines, cordials and elderflower water which is used as a skin cleanser (1). The flowers have now turned into purplish/black berries (2a;2b))…

Blood-Red September Drupes

The attractive, juicy, shiny, red berries of Guelder rose (Viburnum opulus) or Caorchon in Irish are a lovely sight now as they hang in inviting clusters from the hedgerows (1). These “berries” are technically drupes.  (A drupe is a fleshy fruit with a central seed within a hard substance. This looks like a little stone). …

September Scarlet

The beautiful, pale pink to white blossoms of the Dog rose (Rosa canina) or Feirdhris in Irish which brightened up the hedgerows in June have now turned to scarlet rose hips which are very noticeable. (1a;1b) These are rich in Vitamin C and were collected in England during the Second World War to make syrups…

Autumn Purples

Common or Black knapweed (Centaurea nigra) or Mínscoth/Mullach dubh in Irish is common on roadside verges, grasslands and wastelands from July to September. (1) Superficially the plant looks like a thistle because of its deep purple flowers and similar flowerhead but on close inspection it will be noticed that it possesses no prickles. The dark brown…