Vegetables in April
Orla Second Early new potatoes which were sown five to a bag in recycled bags on the 3rd April have appeared above the growing medium. They will still need protection from frost.
Garlic was sown in modular trays outdoors in October. They were transplanted into a raised bed in early March and are now 60cm tall.
The Onion (1) sets sown in modular trays in October and transplanted into a raised bed in mid-March are much stronger than the sets sown in the same bed straight from the packet. Onion (2) need a long growing season.
The hardy Meteor peas which were sown outdoors in a window box in October are producing pods. The ones sown outdoors in a raised bed on the 7th March are twining around their supporting twigs and making steady progress.
First early Home Guards sown outdoors in mid-March will soon have to have to be earthed up.
Chantenay Red Cored 3 carrots grown indoors in a dustbin in mid- March were thinned to distances of 5cm apart. They were sown in a bin because the carrot root-fly cannot jump higher than 60 cm.