Engage With Nature
Month by Month
Gardening and Nature videos for December
Images of Nature for December
- Ash keys (Torthaí fuinseoige)
- Bark of oak (Coirt darach)
- Ash twigs with buds (Cipíní agus bachlóga fuinseoige)
- Elder twig (Cipín troim)
- Holly berries (Caora cuilinn)
- Horse chestnut bud (Bachlóg crann cnó capaill)
- Rowan twig (Cipín caorthainn)
- Oak leaves in winter (Duilleoga darach sa geimhreadh)
- Silver birch twigs and buds (Cipíní agus bachlóga na beithe)
- Sycamore buds (Bachlóga seiceamair)
Additional Resources for December
Click on each image for further information
Gardening and Nature videos for January
Images of Nature for January
- Winter heliotrope (Plúr na gréine)
- Alder buds (Bachlóga na fearnóige)
- Ivy berries (Caora eidhneáin)
- Cherry buds (Bachlóga an chrainn silíní)
- Lichen (Léicean)
- Lime buds (Baclóga teile)
- Male and female alder catkins (Caitíni firinscneacha agus baineannacha na fearnóige)
- Oak apples (Gála darach)
- Old alder cones (Sean-bhuaircíní na fearnóige)
- Rowan bud (Bachlóg an chaorthainn)
Additional Resources for January
Gardening and Nature videos for February
Images of Nature for February
- Beech bud (Bachlóg feá)
- Catkins and old seed cones on alder (Caitíní agus sean bhuaircíní fearnóige)
- Female catkins of willow (Caitíní baineannaigh na sailí)
- Emerging elder leaves (Duilleoga throim ag teacht amach)
- Male and female alder catkins (Caitíní fireanna agus bainneannaigh fearnóige)
- Ivy berries (Caora eidhneáin)
- Male and female hazel catkins (Caitíní fireanna agus baineannaigh an choill)
- Silver birch (Beith gheal)
Additional Resources for February
Gardening and Nature videos for March
Images of Nature for March
- Blackthorn blossoms (Bláthanna an draighin)
- Bursting bud of horse chestnut (Bachlóg an chrainn cnó capaill ag pl
- Dog violet (Sailchuach)
- Emerging hawthorn leaves (Duilleoga na sceiche ghile ag teacht amach)
- Emerging horse chestnut leaves (Duilleoga an chrainn cnó capaill ag teacht amach)
- Female hazel catkin (Caitín bainneannaigh an choill)
- Flowers of furze (Bláthanna an aitinn)
- Lesser celandine (Grán arcáin)
- Male catkins of willow (Caitíní fireanna na sailí)
- Opening bud of horse chestnut (Bachlóg an chrainn cnó capaill ag oscailt)
- Primroses (Samharcíní)
Additional Resources for March
Gardening and Nature videos for April
Images of Nature for April
- Cowslip (bainne bó bleachtáin)
- Dandelion clock (Clog)
- Dandelions (Caisearbháin)
- Early purple orchid (Magairlín meidhreach)
- Gorse (Aiteann)
- Wild garlic (Creamh)
Additional Resources for April
Gardening and Nature videos for May
Images of Nature for May
- Bugle (Glasair coille)
- Charlock (Praiseach buí)
- Cow parsley (Peirsil bhó)
- Greater stitchwort (Tursarrainh mhór)
- Hawthorn (Sceach gheal)
- Hedge garlic (Bó choinneal)
- Lady’s smock (Cuckoo flower) (Biolar gragáin)
- Marsh marigold (Lus buí bealtaine)
- Native bluebell (Coinnle corra)
- Yellow pimpernel (Lus Cholm Cille)
Additional Resources for May
Gardening and Nature videos for June
Images of Nature for June
- Bush vetch (Peasair fhiáin)
- Cornfield flowers (Bláthanna goirt arbhair)
- Dog rose (Feiridhris)
- Elder flowers (Bláthanna troim)
- Foxglove (Lus mór)
- Ox-eye daisy (Nóinín mór)
- Snowberry flowers
- Viburnum opulus
- Wild privet
- Yarrow (Athair thalún)
Additional Resources for June
Gardening and Nature videos for September
Images of Nature for September
- Bittersweet (Fuath gorm)
- Bittersweet or Woody nightshade flowers (Fuath gorm)
- Crab apple (Crann fia-úll)
- Devil’s bit scabious (Odhrach bhallach)
- Great willowherb (Lus na tríonóide)
- Hedge bindweed (Ialus fáil)
- Herb Robert (Ruithéal rí)
- Perennial sowthistle (Bainne muice mín)
- Redshank (Glúinteach dhearg)
- Yarrow (Athair thalún)
Additional Resources for September
Gardening and Nature videos for October
Images of Nature for October
- Bramble leaves (Duilleoga drise)
- Elder (Trom)
- Hawthorn (Sceach gheal)
- Herb robert (Ruitheal rí)
- Ivy flowers and buds (Bláthanna agus bachlóga eidhneáin)
- Larch with cones (Buaircíní)
- Snowberry (Póirín sneachta)
- Sycamore with samaras
- Wild rose hips (Mogóiri feirdhrise)
- Wood sorrell (Seamsóg)
Additional Resources for October
Gardening and Nature videos for November
Images of Nature for November
- Ripening alder cones (Buaircíní fearnóige ag aibiú)
- Trees changing colour (Duilleoga crainn ag athrú)
Additional Resources for November
Gardening and Nature videos for December
Images of Nature for December
- Ash keys (Torthaí fuinseoige)
- Bark of oak (Coirt darach)
- Ash twigs with buds (Cipíní agus bachlóga fuinseoige)
- Elder twig (Cipín troim)
- Holly berries (Caora cuilinn)
- Horse chestnut bud (Bachlóg crann cnó capaill)
- Rowan twig (Cipín caorthainn)
- Oak leaves in winter (Duilleoga darach sa geimhreadh)
- Silver birch twigs and buds (Cipíní agus bachlóga na beithe)
- Sycamore buds (Bachlóga seiceamair)